
The Mary’s Shrine with the Statue of the Virgin Mary virgin conception (immacolates) was built in the old town square in the year 1650 as a thanks for helping Prague defense against the Swedish troops in 1648, sanctified in 1652.

The statue author was Jan Jiri Bendl (approximately 1610 – 1680), one of the top Czech sculptors of the time. He created a special artwork from the home sane, probably the first Baroque statue in Central Europe.

In 1915 ,the old town square was sculpted by Ladislav Šaloun, former of the monument of Mr Jan Hus. It was constructed as a horizontal to the vertical of the Marian shrine.Both monuments were made harmony.


On the 3rd of November 1918 in the emotional atmosphere, the column of the monarchy, ripped off the column of the vandal – style mob, along with the manifestations of a manifestation, a remembrance of the Bíla Hora defeat in 1620, it was to be justified by the symbol of the Habsburg monarchy and the victory of Catholicism over the reformation of the Reformation.


The Marian column was an integral part of the old town square for almost 270 years. From the very beginning, after pushing the column, it spoke of restoration, but there was not enough will to do it.
In 1923 was created the department of Marian shrine and was established for restoration.

In 1988 (70 years after push) petitions were born by a restorative pillar restoration. A Restoration Society in Prague, but could be registered after the revolution in 1990, a national collection for reconstruction
The Marian column was declared in 1995.

Since 1995 s, the restorative of the Marian column has been involved by the sculptor by Jan braddna, Miroslav Kratky, Karel kronych and Peter Vana. In 2000 l Peter Vana started to make the statue of the Virgin Mary in stone; he completed it in 2002… in 1998 , the manufacture of the stone architecture of the pole.

Construction permit

The crucial movement was the decision of the Council of the capital of Prague, which on March 26,2013 approved a project of total reconstruction of the old town square including the restoration of the Marian pillar.


Staroměstské náměstí s Mariánským sloupem Staroměstské náměstí s Mariánským sloupem

Staroměstské náměstí s Mariánským sloupem